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Night Hiking
Night hiking can be fun. You have a different view when you go for a night hike. As well as the night’s peace and quiet, you will enjoy the clear night sky. You also have fresher air at night.
Still, be careful. You want to be very aware of the trail and careful when hiking at night.
What do you need to know before hiking at night?

(Credit: rk.kuva
on Pixnio)
7 Tips To Keep You Safe When Hiking At Night
- Know your hiking trail, and stay on the trail to avoid getting lost.
- Hiking at night, alone in the dark, can be dangerous so hike with friends.
- Bring a headlamp or flashlight (remember extra batteries and charger).
- Be sure you have a lot of water for hydration.
- Wear your best hiking clothes (protect yourself from insects and the trail).
- Check weather reports before hiking at night.
- Bring warm clothes and an emergency blanket for your night hike.
Know Your Hiking Trail, And Stay On The Trail To Avoid Getting Lost.
You should not stray from the hiking trail during the day or night! Leaving the trail is the main reason hikers get lost or hurt.
Especially at night, you want to stay on the trail! You can easily get lost. When you leave the trail at night, it is hard to see where you are going and easy to lose your way in the dark. When you stay on the trail, your fellow hikers can see you too.
Stay on the trail so you do not get side tracked and lost. Save yourself time, avoid frustration, and stay safe.
Hiking At Night, Alone In The Dark, Can Be Dangerous So Hike with Friends.
One of the most difficult hiking skills is finding your way in the dark. Do not hike alone at night!
When you hike at night, go with other hikers. Staying close to your fellow hikers, helps you stay safe and helps the other hikers stay safe too.
Bring A Headlamp Or Flashlight (Remember Extra Batteries And Charger)!
In complete darkness, you can still see with a headlamp or flashlight. In addition to finding your way in the dark, you may also need a light for reading maps. Bring a headlamp or flashlight, and remember extra batteries! For a headlamp, consider the powerful, compact, battery powered Black Diamond Spot 350 (MSRP $39.95).

Shop For A Spot 350
Also, bring a portable charger. If you become lost or take a long hike, you will be glad you have the batteries and charger! Consider the Goal Zero Flip 24 (MSRP $29.95), an economical, compact charger.

Shop For A Flip 24
Be Sure You Have A Lot Of Water For Hydration.
We have to have water for our bodies to function. To replace the water we lose in our sweat and urine, we need to drink water.
You need to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water to stay hydrated. For instance, if you weight 160 pounds, you would need to drink 80 ounces of water per day.
When you hike, even at night, you lose a lot of water as you hike. Drink enough water so you have a safe hike.
Wear Your Best Hiking Clothes (Protect Yourself From Insects And The Trail).
When you go hiking at night, be sure to wear your best hiking clothes. You want to wear clothes that protect you from insects and the trail.
Many insects want to take a bite of you at night. Insects that bite at night include mosquitoes of course. Other insects that might bite you while you hike at night include spiders, ants, chiggers, and fleas. You can also pick up some ticks. Ugh!

(Credit Creative Commons Zero)
Be sure you wear the best hiking boots day or night. You want your best hiking boots to protect your feet for your night hike. You have a hard time seeing rocks, holes, roots and other trail hazards when you hike in the dark. The best boots protect your feet!
If you want a great pair, consider a pair of these hiking boots.
Insect Repellant, Bring Some!
In addition to clothes that help you avoid the insects that bite at night, you might want to also consider a strong insect repellant.
I prefer a natural repellant. I like Repel’s Plant Based Lemon Eucalyptus as a natural repellant choice. Even though sold as protection against mosquitoes, it seems to offer broad protection against insects. I use Repel’s repellant and have no trouble with insects when hiking.

You might want something stronger. Sawyer’s MaxiDeet makes a good choice. The 98% DEET content repels ALL insects.

(Public Domain)
DEET gives you very good protection from a lot of insects that come out at night including:
- Mosquitoes
- Ants
- Ticks
- Fleas
- Chiggers
Some have concerns about DEET’s safety. Used correctly, DEET is safe for both adults and children. For more about DEET’s safety, read this Consumer Reports article, “How Safe Is DEET?”.

Check Weather Reports Before Hiking At Night.
As you would for a day hike, be sure to check the weather before you take a night hike. When you plan for an evening hike, one of the most important things to check is weather report.
Bad weather makes a night hike even more difficult. If you know the weather, you can decide what type of clothing to wear, what type of equipment to bring, and if the trail should be safe at night.
Bring Warm Clothes And An Emergency Blanket For Your Night Hike.
The best way to enjoy a night hike is to bring the right gear. The weather can change rapidly as you hike, so you want to bring along hiking gear that keeps you warm and dry.
One of the most important items to bring on your hike is an emergency blanket. A blanket will provide you with the warmth needed to prevent hypothermia in case you have to sleep on the trail overnight. Temperatures can drop fast on the trail at night especially if it rains.

Be sure you bring an extra layer of clothes like socks or gloves. This gear makes a big difference in how comfortable you feel as you hike.
Summary – Remember
- Know your hiking trail, and stay on the trail to avoid getting lost.
- Hiking at night, alone in the dark, can be dangerous so hike with friends.
- Bring a headlamp or flashlight (remember extra batteries and charger).
- Be sure you have a lot of water for hydration.
- Wear your best hiking clothes (protect yourself from insects and the trail).
- Check weather reports before hiking at night.
- Bring warm clothes and an emergency blanket for your night hike.
Hiking at night has many benefits. You enjoy the peace of the trail at night. The stars shine brightly in the clear night sky. You will enjoy the fresh night air.
Be sure to be prepared when you hike at night. If you follow these simple tips, you will enjoy a safe, fun night hike
Browse these hiking and night hiking items from Amazon.